SQL expressions

Toql is an SQL friendly ORM. Instead of mapping a struct field to a column you can also map it to a raw SQL expression. There are small syntax enhancements to work with aliases and auxiliary parameters.

Alias axample

#   #[tokio::main(flavor="current_thread")]
#   async fn main() {
    use toql::prelude::{Toql, ToqlApi, query, Cache};
    use toql::mock_db::MockDb;

    struct User {
        id: u64,

        #[toql(sql="(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Books b WHERE b.author_id = ..id)")]

    let cache = Cache::default();
    let mut toql = MockDb::from(&cache);

    let q = query!(User, "id"); 
    let mut _users = toql.load_many(&q).await.unwrap(); 
            "SELECT user.id, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Books b WHERE b.author_id = user.id) \
            FROM User user");
#   }

Notice the .. ! This special alias will be replaced with the alias created for User.

To use aux params in a SQL query use the <param_name> syntax.

Aux params example

#   #[tokio::main(flavor="current_thread")]
#   async fn main() {
    use toql::prelude::{Toql, ToqlApi, query, Cache, ContextBuilder};
    use toql::mock_db::MockDb;
    use std::collections::HashMap;

    struct User {
        id: u64,

        #[toql(sql="(SELECT <page_limit>)")]

        #[toql(sql="(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Films f WHERE f.age >= <age>)")]
    let mut p = HashMap::new();
    p.insert("page_limit".into(), 200.into());
    p.insert("age".into(), 57.into());

    let context = ContextBuilder::new().with_aux_params(p).build();
    let cache = Cache::new();
    let mut toql = MockDb::with_context(&cache, context);

    let q = query!(User, "id"); 
    let mut _users = toql.load_many(&q).await.unwrap(); 
            "SELECT user.id, (SELECT 200), (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Films f WHERE f.age >= 57) FROM User user");
#   }

In the example page_limit might come from a server configuration. It would typically be put in the context and can be used in SQL expressions.

The aux param age might be taken from the authorisation token and put as an aux param into the context or query. Here it restricts the number of films.

Other uses of raw SQL

There are other places you can use raw SQL: