
There are two insert functions: insert_one, and insert_many.

The are used like so:

#   #[tokio::main(flavor="current_thread")]
#   async fn main(){
use toql::prelude::{Cache, Toql, ToqlApi, paths};
use toql::mock_db::MockDb;

struct User{
    id: u64,
    name: String,
    address: Option<String>

let cache = Cache::new();
let mut toql = MockDb::from(&cache);

let mut u = User { 
                name: "Joe".to_string(), 
                address: None
toql.insert_one(&mut u, paths!(top)).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(toql.take_unsafe_sql(), "INSERT INTO User (name, address) VALUES ('Joe', DEFAULT)");
assert_eq!(, 100);

toql.insert_one(&mut u, paths!(User, "")).await.unwrap();
toql.insert_many::<User,_>(&mut [&mut u], paths!(top)).await.unwrap();
#   }

In the example above the first insert_one will insert u into the database, load back the generated id and sets it on u. The second insert_one makes a copy of u and again refreshes its id field.

Optional fields that are None will insert the default value of the database. See the mapping for details.

The paths! macro

The paths! macro compiles a path list. Any invalid path will show up at compile time. The insert functions insert all referenced joins and merges from such a path list.

Let's assume a struct User that has a Vec of books with each book joining a publisher. A path list like paths!(User, "books_publisher") will

  • insert all fields from User.
  • if the id of User is marked as auto key, Toql will load the generated id from the database and update User and the composite key in books.
  • insert all fields from the joined publisher.
  • handle the id of publisher like the one in books.
  • insert the merged books with the correct composite keys.

Cool stuff!

If you only want to insert a publisher, then you must call insert on a publisher object.

The paths in the list may overlap. In the path list paths!(User, "books_publisher, books_printedBy") book appears twice. No problem it will only be inserted once.

Skipping values

When inserting a struct some fields are excluded:

  • Fields that map to an SQL expression
  • Fields or structs with the atribute skip_mut
  • Joins with custom ON predicate
  • Merges with custom sql_join

Partial tables

It is possible to split up a table into multiple tables sharing the same primary key. See here.

If a path in the path list refers to a struct that contains joins marked as partial table then these joins will also be inserted. There is no need to mention these dependencies in the path list.

Key dependencies

The order of SQL execution is based on key dependencies between structs.