The Toql derive

A struct must derive Toql. Only on a derived struct any function from the ToqlApi can be called.

This derive builds a lot of code. This includes

  • Mapping of Toql fields to struct fields and database columns or expressions.
  • Creating field methods for the query builder.
  • Handling relationships through joins and merges.
  • Creating Key structs.


With this simple code

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
   use toql::prelude::Toql;
   struct User {
       id: u32,
       name: Option<String>

We can now do the following

    use toql::prelude::{query, ToqlApi, Cache, Toql, Page, fields};
    use toql::mock_db::MockDb;
    use toql::row;

#    #[derive(Toql)]
#    struct User {
#      #[toql(key)]
#      id: u64,
#      age: Option<u8>
#    }

#   #[tokio::main(flavor="current_thread")]
#   async fn main() {
    let cache = Cache::default();
    let mut toql = MockDb::from(&cache);
    toql.mock_rows("SELECT, user.age FROM User user WHERE = 5", vec![row!(5u64, 27u64)]);
    let q = query!(User, "id eq 5, age"); 
    let mut user = toql.load_one(&q).await.unwrap(); 

    user.age = Some(16);
    toql.update_one(&mut user, fields!(top)).await.unwrap(); 
# }